Foundation Foundation for Alcohol Addiction in Ontario

All across the great province of Ontario, home to Canada’s largest city, as well as our nation’s capital, tens of thousands struggle every day with an addiction to alcohol. Despite Ontario’s prosperity, beauty and remarkable culture, alcoholism runs rampant throughout communities from all across the province. Alcohol addiction does not discriminate based on socio-economic background, race, gender, religion or location. It affects the young, the elderly and everyone in between. Foundation helps those affected by alcoholism return to their lives free of addiction, and guides them towards a healthier lifestyle through our custom tailored programs that incorporate both traditional tools and new ways of thinking.

A Map of Ontario, almost all in one colour, symbolizing alcoholism's presence all across the province

At Foundation we welcome patients from all across Canada, but those coming from Ontario always offer something special to our little family. From fast paced Torontonians, to those who enjoy the gorgeous wilderness of Ontario’s north, residents of Canada’s most populous province come in all different forms. Their unique challenges when it comes to treating alcohol addiction don’t affect our steadfast approach to finding what works for them. We offer cognitive based therapy, as well outstanding healthy meals prepared with local ingredients, as well as holistic alternatives and spirituality driven techniques in order to treat not only one’s addiction to alcohol, but them as an individual. Alcoholism, unfortunately, affects people in a very personal way, and knowing this Foundation’s professional team will work directly with every client to find what works for them.

Beautiful downtown Toronto is no stranger to alcohol addiction and temptation around every corner

If you, or someone you know, are looking to make a change in the way life has been going, Sobriety Home is here to help. Recovery in Ontario may not be what you’re looking for, and Foundation’s residential treatment centre is located just across the provincial border a short drive from Ottawa! While Ontario offers fantastic, first rate treatment options, many people choose to seek treatment away from their daily lives in order to focus on their recovery. Our welcoming staff can ensure that you thrive during your time with us, protect your anonymity rigorously, and provide a safe environment where recovery is the only priority.

Treatment Addiction Services For Ontario

La Maison Arc-en Ciel

260 chemin du gouvernement
Opasatika, Ontario
P0L 1Z0
Phone: (705) 369-4582

Located in the region of Opasatika in the coutryside, La Maison Arc-en-Ciel has existed since 1979. Project of the Diocese of Hearst, it is modeled after L'Arche Jean Vanier. La Maison Arc-en-Ciel operated in its infancy, with the support of volunteers and donation from the Diocese of Hearst and the private sector. To enable young Northerners to stop, restore order in their lives and work towards their full potential, a team of four with Rémi Lessard,Rémi Poirier, Ghislain Plourde and Sabrina Zorzetto established a life experience with community support in a life centered on human dignity.

Cornwall Community Hospital St. Denis Centre

339 2nd St. E
Cornwall, Ontario
K6H 1Y8
Phone: (613) 933 0418
Intake :Francine Fitzsimmons - Manager
Phone:613-361-6363 ext 8120
Email: *
Carole Harvey - Intake
Phone: 613-361-6363 ext 8719

Residential addictions treatment centre * four to six month supportive treatment program for men aged 18 and over * 24-hour support staff and an in-house addiction worker offering individualized treatment planning and delivery, group counselling and referral * programming includes life skills, recreation, recovery enhancement, and relapse prevention

The Ottawa Mission

35 Waller Street
Ottawa, Ontario
K1N 7G4
Phone: (613) 234-2813

The Ottawa Mission provides addiction treatment and trauma services to men in the community in need of support. Our programs aim to meet clients’ where they’re at – whether they want support stabilizing their lives, are seeking residential treatment, or require additional support after treatment; we provide them with the tools they need to build a better life.

St. Michael’s Homes Residential Treatment Program

277 Rusholme Rd.
Toronto, ON
M6H 2Y9
Phone: (416) 926-8267

St. Michael’s Homes (our name was amended in 2005) provides two programs within our rehabilitative homes to serve a total of 75 individuals in our residential settings. Our founding philosophy and mission continue to inspire and direct us today in our desire to offer aid to vulnerable persons seeking an improved quality of life beyond their addictions to alcohol and drugs.

The Salvation Army Homestead - Downtown Location

160 Jarvis St.
Toronto, ON
M5B 2E1
Phone: (416) 921-0953
Fax: (416) 921-4430

The Salvation Army Homestead exists to serve women who want to experience recovery from substance use. Our mission is to provide effective treatment and support so that women can heal in body, mind and spirit.

Alcoholism, AA, Alcoholics Anonymous, 12 step program, Sobriety, Addiction, Treatment, Rehab, Recovery

Alcoholics Anonymous in Ontario

Alcoholics Anonymous has been around since 1935, originally formed in Ohio when two affluent men from New York wrote a book on how to help those in recovery from alcohol addiction. Both had experience with alcoholism in their lifetime and felt they had some insight into taking steps to prevent the harm that alcoholism often causes. For over 88 years A.A. has been creating success stories with their famous 12 step program.

Young Sober & Free

Open Meeting
Friday 8:00 pm

St-George’s Anglican
227 Wharncliffe Road North
London, Ontario
N6H 2B6

Triangle Group

Open Meeting
Thursday 8:00 pm

St Francis - St. Matins Catholic Church
46 Cathcart Street
London, Ontario
N6C 3L7

Freedom Group

Closed Meeting
Sunday 11:00 pm

Peterborough Lion’s Club Community Centre
347 Burnham Street
Peterborough, Ontario
K9H 1T5