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Understanding if Someone Needs Alcohol Rehab

All across Canada and internationally, alcohol addiction has plagued men and women of all ages and from all socio-economic backgrounds. Alcoholism is one of the leading causes of death where millions die each year from the complications of alcohol abuse.

Being able to identify that someone needs alcohol rehab means identifying what an alcohol addiction is. The definition of alcohol addiction is compulsive and uncontrolled consumption of alcohol despite its negative effects on their health, relationships, and social standing. Among these problems are:

Tolerance - Over time, the individual needs to consume more alcohol in order to become inebriated.

Relationship problems - Individuals who drink excessively have difficulty maintaining healthy relationships. They may fight or have disagreements with loved ones, friends or colleagues.

Changes in behaviour - Alcoholics' behaviours may change dramatically as their drinking problem becomes worse. This can make fun, outgoing people to become depressed, miserable or mean-spirited.

Drinking at non-socially acceptable times - Alcoholics may begin once they wake up in the morning, drink on the job or while in school. They may continue drinking when out with friends, even if they stopped drinking for the evening.

Legal or criminal problems - When a person has an alcohol addiction, they may lack a sense of personal responsibility and have run-ins with the law, bad finances, lose their job, etc.

Health-related issues - Heavy drinking can take a physical toll on the individual, with hangovers, blackouts, bruises, injuries and other problems all occurring as a result. In addition, alcohol consumption may cause long-term damage to the heart or liver.

Alcohol Addiction and Withdrawal

Another important sign about an alcohol addiction is whether or not the individual exhibits any withdrawal symptoms when they are not drinking or have tried to stop.

Some of the most common alcohol withdrawal symptoms include:

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Mood swings, irritability
  • Nervousness or restlessness
  • Alcohol cravings

The duration of withdrawal symptoms varies and most alcoholics will drink once they experience them. During alcohol detox, these withdrawal symptoms last anywhere between a few days and up to two weeks. Foundation is a drug rehab and alcohol rehab treatment center offering 12 private rooms with private bath, and provides individualized professional addiction treatment in a serene comfortable environment awarding clients privacy and confidentiality. Call us at 1-888-999-8101