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Military Alcohol Rehab Addiction Treatment Centers

Our Canadian troops bear enormous stress and hardship in the name of protecting our country. As a consequence, this stress can often lead to alcohol abuse and drug addiction. Military alcohol rehabilitation centers are designed to help those who served our country overcome their addiction so that they can go on to living a productive life free of alcohol or drug addiction.

Why is Military Alcohol Rehab so Important?

As we find more Canadian troop returning home from Afghanistan coping with addiction to alcohol or drugs, they need proper addiction treatment. In Canada alone, alcohol and drug addiction astoundingly costs our society $39.8 billion annually. This tally includes health care costs, lost productivity, and the expense of court cases and prison. Tobacco addiction alone cost Canadian taxpayers an estimated $17 billion a year.

There are a number of reasons why alcohol abuse in the Canadian military occurs:

  • The stresses of battle - Only few people can only imagine what the battle of war is about and what it can do to an individual that has to face it. Most soldiers will try to keep to themselves and mask the symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) through the use of alcohol and/or drugs.
  • Being separated from loved ones - Being away from friends and family during long tours of duty can take an emotional toll. In order to cope with the many self-medicate with alcohol and/or drugs.
  • Post-career disappointment - When a solider completes their tour of duty and attempts to restart their life, they experience additional stress whether it is lack of employment due to the job market or the inability to reconnect with loved ones. When a
  • Boredom - When a solider is in combat or in training they are in constant stress, but when they are on break they experience boredom and may fill this time with alcohol and/or drug use

Where does Military Alcohol Rehab take place?

A veteran or solider in current service may be able to receive alcohol addiction treatment on the base or at the military hospital where psychiatric care is provided. The Ministry of Veterans Affairs often provides alcohol rehab treatment or reimburses soldiers and former soldiers who need addiction recovery services.

With our Canadian soldiers returning on duty from Afghanistan and other volatile places in record numbers, many alcohol rehab facilities are providing special programs to meet the special needs of these individuals by addressing the unique root causes of their addiction.