Alcohol Rehab Insurance
As we know the cost of medical and mental health treatment is increasing in Canada. Alcohol rehab programs that are funded by provincial health insurance have long waiting lists and as such, many cannot afford to wait for treatment for their life threatening condition. Luckily, there are many that have additional insurance coverage through their employer and are able to get covered for addiction treatment under their mental health plans. The result is greater access to life saving alcohol rehab programs with less wait times.
What is Alcohol Rehab Insurance?
Alcohol rehab is insurance coverage from a health care provider to help finance various forms of alcohol addiction treatment. This can be either in the form of a partial payment or full payment for addiction treatment services depending on the facility and insurance plan.
How much does Alcohol Rehabilitation Insurance Pay?
There are some insurance companies that may pay for the full amount of alcohol rehab. There are others that may pay a portion of it. What happens most of the time is the insurance companies may have a list of options for the client's geographical location. If this happens to be the case, the insurance company would more likely pay the entire amount when the client finishes their addiction treatment program.
Why is Alcohol Rehab Insurance so Important?
Even though we cannot put a price on sobriety and health, the cost of alcohol rehab treatment can be very high. There are many top residential alcohol rehab facilities that can cost several thousand dollars per week. There is some standard outpatient addiction treatment that cost a fraction of inpatient; they still may be out of budget for families that have limited finances. Insurance can make treatment a reality for those with financial hardship or difficulties.