Foundation Foundation For Alcohol Addiction Treatment in The Northwest Territories

The Northwest Territories is one of Canada’s jewels. The untamed, raw beauty to behold in the Canadian territory is awe inspiring. Did you know that in Nahanni national park there could be several new species just waiting to be discovered? This is how little we know about one of the most magnificent parts of our country. Something we do know, however, is nowhere near as magnificent. Alcoholism is on the rise all across the country, and unfortunately the beautiful Northwest Territories is not spared from this ugly statistic. To compound the problem, NWT is isolated from the rest of the country, limiting the services available to those most in need of treatment for an addiction to alcohol. Foundation, located a short drive from Ottawa, is always ready to welcome and work with the good people of the Northwest Territories. Overcoming an addiction to alcohol is not easy, especially for members of communities that are often difficult to access, but where there’s a will there’s a way, they say, and contacting Sobriety Home can be an excellent first step in receiving the care needed to overcome alcoholism.

A map of Canada showing the Northwest Territories doesn’t tell the story of how many communities are struggling with alcohol addiction and just how many are in desperate need of recovery and treatment options

Living in a more remote part of the country isn’t necessarily a hindrance to recovery. In some ways, it can be, but the way we see it at Foundation is that to sacrifice all the convenience of big city life for the majesty and splendour of the Northwest Territories gives one a certain stoic quality and plenty of inner strength. These are tremendous attributes to possess when beginning one’s journey from alcoholism to sober, healthy living. Our highly trained staff can assist in all the planning, details and truly put our prospective clients’ minds at ease if they are traveling from NWT. Often-times, putting distance between familiarity and where one participates in recovery is a great idea, as distractions will be less abundant and judgement from the community is avoided.

A woman holds the Canadian flag while gazing at a sunrise in the northwest territories, symbolizing a new day and hope for success in alcohol rehab Foundation offers all clients various comforts and amenities, ranging from a gym to supplemental treatments to foster success in rehab. Healthy meals, private rooms, a therapeutic massage, spirituality focused groups and plenty of day trips for fun activities are only a few of the ways Foundation does things differently. Our approach is based strongly on cognitive behavior therapy and modern psychology, but treating the individual is our main priority. There are reasons people turn to alcohol in the first place, and there are beliefs and lifestyle choices that can help them turn away from the bottle, our team will address both. Including important aspects of our clients lives in their treatment plan means all the difference to us, and helps those who come to us truly succeed in recovery. The Sobriety Home family is ready to welcome anyone seeking our help from the Northwest Territories, and it would be our pleasure to provide any and all information we can to put your mind at ease about a difficult situation.

The northern lights seen in the Northwest Territories is a beacon of hope and inspiration for those looking to receive treatment for alcohol addiction

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Alcohol Addiction Treatment Centres In The Northwest Territories

Community wellness is a priority for NWT communities. Communities have created community wellness plans that will support the goal of improving community health outcomes related to mental health and addictions. For more information on the community wellness plan in your community, please contact your local Band or Hamlet office. Outpatient programs include counselling, day programs and group therapy for residents in the community. Outpatient programs allow participants to continue with their daily lives. Talk to your community counsellor or wellness worker to find out what programs are available in your community.


Phone: (867) 978-2941
Fax: (867) 978-2160

Colville Lake

Phone: (867) 587-3653
Fax: (867) 709-2504


Phone: (867) 920-2925
Fax: (867) 873-8517

Fort Liard

Phone: (867) 770-4770
Fax: (867) 770-4813

Alcoholism, AA, Alcoholics Anonymous, 12 step program, Sobriety, Addiction, Treatment, Rehab, Recovery

Alcoholics Anonymous In The Northwest Territories

Aklavik Group

Open Meeting
Friday 7:00pm

Freddie Carmichael Airport
2 Airport Road
Aklavik, Northwest Territories
X0E 0J0

Rainbow Valley Group

Open Meeting
Sunday 8:00pm

Northern United Place
5403 Franklin Avenue
Yellowknife, Northwest Territories
X1A 1E4

Must Change Group

Open Meeting
Thursday 8:00pm

Stanton Territorial Hospital
550 Byrne Road
Yellowknife, Northwest Territories
X1A 2N1

Thursday Nite Group

Open Meeting
Thursday 8:00pm

Anglican Mission
Ulukhaktok, Northwest Territories
X0E 0S0