Breathe. We're here for you.

Our in-patient Alcohol and Drug Rehab programs empower individuals, helping them to understand and overcome their addiction so they can move on to build fulfilling and meaningful lives. Foundation welcomes you home to heal
Our Programs

Fully personalized treatment plans Foundation is an intimate residential treatment center, giving us the freedom to work closely with each of our clients, designing a program that suits their needs. Our goal is a sobriety that you can maintain and sustain far after you leave us. In order for us to achieve this, together, we need to provide you with a program that best suits you.

Programs as individual as you.


Cognitive and Behavioral Therapies are the foundation of our drug and alcohol  treatment program. Our therapists and counselors are trained in Psychology and Addictions at accredited US and Canadian Universities. Read More.


Where appropriate, we work with medications to assist residents in controlling cravings and to address other needs. In these cases therapy is adjusted to enable the correct use of medications without abuse. Read More.

Alternative Treatment

Our wide variety of alternative therapies present residents with a number of techniques that help to reduce stress and focus the mind during recovery at Foundation, and as tools to maintain a life free from addiction. Read More.

Room in the Women's Residence at Sobriety Foundation
Our Residence

Private Rooms
& Small Group Sizes

While staying with us at Foundation, you will be given a private room and bath. We encourage you to personalize your room, as you like. Foundation, for the next little while, will be your home away from home, and we want you to be as comfortable as possible.

Treatment For Women

Separate safe-spaces designed for women

We recognize that it is important that our female residents have their privacy and the opportunity to be away from the distinctly male attitudes regarding inter-gender interaction. Women have the opportunity to maintain exclusivity throughout the majority of their stay with us and will not be subject to situations that could lead to unnecessary awkwardness.

A separate woman's residence provides private and safe spaces for women to heal
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