Triggers and Early Recovery

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One of the most difficult aspects of addiction recovery is dealing with triggers. They are possibly the biggest threat to someone’s confidence and well-being while attempting to end their cycle of addiction and continue on to prosper. Addiction treatment programs go a long way to helping someone deal with these triggers but since a trigger can be something unique to every client it’s hard to stamp them out for good. It could be a certain smell, sight or something even more illusive and hard to place, but whatever the trigger is it poses a threat to a recovering addict’s motivation and any new found spirituality they have gained during the process of recovery.

Associating a certain place is one of the most tricky triggers to deal with, as it could be anywhere from a favorite watering hole to a friend’s house where drinking or drug use took place. Such a trigger could be dealt with by avoiding a bar, a party house or some other location that reminds an addict of their using days but how exactly can an addict fresh out of rehab simply avoid all of these places? Especially if they live or work nearby? It takes willpower, obviously, but such willpower may be scarce after a grueling treatment experience. This is where friends and family and the motivation they provide come into the equation. They want their loved one to succeed and can offer not only support but perhaps a place to stay and creative ways to avoid those very specific places that beckon their addicted loved one to return to and drink or use drugs.

A strong support network can help with other triggers such as sight and smell just as effectively by emptying their homes of alcohol or drugs in order to avoid the temptation their loved one may experience. Just seeing a bottle of beer, vodka or any form of alcohol really could be enough to send a recovering addict back to their old patterns, therefore it is crucial that until their motivation and willpower is strong enough to resist entirely, that those supporting them try every trick in the book to stamp out all the possible triggers that could be detrimental to recovery.

One of the most powerful weapons a recovering addict has in their arsenal to fight triggers and temptation is a change in routine. A change in routine could be something small like taking a different route to work to avoid familiar bars or clubs, or it could be a drastic change that involves exercise and hobbies that serve as excellent distractions during that crucial time period between fresh out of recovery and truly lasting sobriety.

Every addict will have to deal with their own triggers in the best way they can, but arming themselves with help and support will increase their chances of knocking out each trigger as it pops up and not allowing them to interfere with their new goal of sobriety.

Addicts have a lot to deal with when they find themselves no longer in treatment, and triggers are certainly a handful, but they can be overcome and motivation and a great support network can go a long way in assuring success.

Triggers and Early Recovery