The Ultimate New Years Resolution: Sobriety.

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It’s the new year. Many addicts promise to themselves and their friends, co-workers and families that this year will be the year they give up their substance of choice and reach for sobriety. It’s an admirable notion, and no doubt there are people out there with the ability to tackle this obstacle cold turkey, but what about the rest of the addicts who can’t quit so easily? It’s hard enough the rest of the year to make such a bold promise as to change one’s lifestyle so drastically, so is putting the pressure of a new years resolution a safe way to go about dealing with the problem? Some have planned this in advance, and many of them probably had a last “hoorah” before the new year settled in, especially alcoholics who are under such intense pressure during the Christmas holiday because of the increased number of parties and social occasions where alcohol is bound to be present. Others, however, may have decided last minute on new years eve that this will be the time for them to do a complete 180 on their life and make the changes they have to in order to keep their families and friends, and of course, to get healthy and end their cycle of addiction that may have been plaguing them for months if not years.

Many people make new years resolutions. They vow to lose weight, exercise more, spend more time with their families, work harder to get that promotion, and perhaps try and save more money after the shock of that holiday credit card bill. While these proposed changes are admirable, it’s unlikely that any of them measure up to an addict with the true desire to quit. The success rate of attaining sobriety depends on a number of factors: Age, sex, personal economic issues, the drug in question (or drugs) and of course on how well and carefully they are treated at a rehabilitation facility or at a private addiction meeting like NA or AA. The addict that does decide to quit needs to factor in all of those things, as well as accepting the fact that while some people can go gold turkey, for most a responsible, caring and supportive network of professionals, family and friends is truly key to attaining their sobriety related aspirations. The burden of quitting is an immense undertaking, and addicts who desire to fight back against that part of their life should know that they are far more likely to succeed if they accept the fact that they need a strong bond with those around them, as well as their doctors, meeting partners, addiction experts and whoever else may be directly involved in their lives and in their goal to quit for good.

If ever there was a new years resolution that people should pay attention to, it’s the resolution that a friend or family member of yours might be making to end their suffering and begin a new chapter in their lives. A chapter that started with a promise to themselves and to those most dear to them.

Happy New Years to all reading this, and if you’ve made a similar commitment I hope you reach that treasured goal of sobriety in 2015!

The Ultimate New Years Resolution: Sobriety.