The Slippery Slope to Alcohol Abuse

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As we celebrate Valentine’s day this year it brings alcoholism and addiction to the forefront of our minds, especially on the fairer sex. As women are undertaking greater and greater challenges, stacking them upon each other, it is no doubt a difficult time of year for those who are in committed relationships. Valentine’s day is about love towards our children, family members and partners, but also puts pressure on those suffering from addiction as well as those within the family who are struggling to keep their alcoholism or drug use under control. Women have become the central figures of millions of families and are now balancing careers, children, a husband and in some cases a drug or alcohol problem. Perhaps out of love many women with duties at home turn to the bottle and self-medicate, or perhaps they have a mood disorder like depression, but in many cases a day like Valentine’s can be hard for many women because it brings into sharp relief just how important and dependable they truly think they need to be. This strong resolve that many professional women managing careers and families can become problematic in seeking treatment. There are two types of shame that are facing women with addiction problems. The shame that makes them feel they may have bit off more than they could chew, and the shame about admitting that their drug of choice failed to be helpful in the long run and that they now feel even more embarrassed because of their new dependance on alcohol or other substances.

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Alcohol and drugs may seem to offer relief to many women who take on the challenges of a loving superhero, that relief will eventually turn into a depressing cycle. Valentine’s day may is meant to be an occasion to ignore the problems women face and enjoy a romantic dinner and be showered with chocolates and stuffed animals, but what happens the next day? It seems unfair that women may only have one day a year to feel totally loved and appreciated. One day to forget their busy schedules, their commitments and the fact they may be in over their heads when it comes to a drinking problem that started simply because of the desire to manage untold responsibilities. Many women drink because they need a little vacation from their every day rush, but this Valentine’s day how about we ditch the box of chocolates and the flowers and commit to love the women in our lives as if every day were Valentine’s. Our girlfriends, mothers, wives and sisters deserve our appreciation year round, and while they may not remind us often, because lets face it they are strong, they do need our help, love and support.

The Slippery Slope to Alcohol Abuse