Still sober and it’s not October

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Staying Sober after October

We may be nearing the end of Sober October, but the demand for non-alcoholic beverages is set to keep increasing for years to come. People want more accessible alcohol-free drink options, and more spaces to enjoy these drinks with other sober or sober-curious people.

There is one big reason why.

The pandemic forced us all to take a long, hard look at ourselves and a lot of us weren’t completely happy with what we saw. Many of us made some lifestyle changes over the last two years to try improve our health and wellbeing; it turns out that the decision to drink less alcohol was a pretty popular one.

What’s your relationship with Alcohol?

Now, more and more people are questioning their relationship with alcohol. For some people, this involves admitting some hard truths to themselves about their dependence on alcohol. Other people may have realised that drinking alcohol is a lot more fun with other people than by themselves, so they are choosing to only drink in social settings. This process of questioning means that more people are curious about the non-alcoholic beverage options they have available to them. Similarly, they are trying to find communities of other sober-curious people. This is where people like Mx. Storms come in.

Mx. Storms opened a non-alcoholic beverage shop, Minus Moonshine, in her native Brooklyn; she was the answer to her community’s need for more non-alcoholic social spaces. It was important that her shop also provided a sense of community for people in her city. She worked to create a space where people can socialise with other people who are not drinking or even find events which cater to their alcohol-free lifestyle.According to Mx. Storms, alcohol surrounds everything social. Without a doubt, it takes effort to meet people and create a community outside the world of alcohol. However, Minus Moonshine is a testament to the fact that it can be done.

Sober social-life options are available!

The great news is that there are new options opening up to us that actually are created around sobriety, MindfulBar provides a space which proves that socialising sober can be enriching and enjoyable. This Montreal-based bar promotes alcohol-free entertainment but takes their mission a step further; they also encourage their patrons to develop their social awareness. A lot of us may be feeling rusty in that department, or in our social abilities in general after all the time we’ve spent away from others in the past year. Alcohol is an easy way to get people talking and socialising, but it can take away from our ability to be conscious of our surroundings. Sipping on seltzer instead of sparkling wine might do your social skills some good; you might find that you are more present with the people around you and this is a great starting point to form a meaningful connection.

If you are on a journey to reduce your alcohol intake, or cut it out altogether, it is crucial to find a community to supports you in your journey. Finding a local alcohol-free meeting place or social group is a good place to start. However, you might need more support than these groups can offer. If you think that this is true for you, help is available. Please contact us to learn more about how we can help you on your journey of healing.

Still sober and it’s not October