In keeping with Recovery Month, we would like to share the following excerpt from Roger Ebert’s blog at the Chicago Sun-Times “My Name is Roger, and I’m an Alchoholic“, originally posted August 25 2009.
Roger writes:
“One day, after a month of sobriety, I went to see him [his doctor] because I feared I had grown too elated, even giddy, with the realization that I need not drink again. ‘Maybe I’m manic-depressive,’ I told him. ‘Maybe I need lithium.’
‘Alcohol is a depressant,’ he told me. ‘When you hold the balloon under the water and suddenly release it, it is eager to pop up quickly.’ I nodded. ‘Yes,’ I said, ‘but I’m too excited. I wake up too early. I’m in constant motion. I’d give anything just to feel a little bored.'”
This is the reality of new-found sobriety–new-found joy. After years of isolation and depression, the discovery of joy can be overpowering, like a lung-full of cool air after being submerged underwater.
Revel in these new feelings of happiness. Bask in the light. Celebrate your sobriety, young and old.
We salute Mr. Ebert for his 30 years of sobriety and thank him for continuing to share his story.
To read the full journal entry, visit Roger Ebert’s Journal.
Source: The Chicago Sun-Times