Beware: It’s the season for College Binge Drinking

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College Binge drinking can result in alcohol addiction story from

When students further their education by going off to college or university, there is a certain new-found freedom. College and experimenting with alcohol seem to go hand in hand as there’s always talk of an upcoming party or a bar nearby. Statistics tell us that more and more college students are becoming alcohol dependent as a result of what this article labels “binge drinking”. The effects on the body as a result of continuous over consumption of alcohol are scary enough, but you can add psychological problems as well. Binge drinkers are also at a higher risk to commit violent crimes and to attempt suicide, and it also should be mentioned that the academics of binge drinking students suffer greatly.

Via Treatment4Addiction:

The impact of college binge drinking is almost immeasurable. Fatalities that surround college drinking claim roughly 1,800 students a year by means of car accidents, alcohol poisoning, and violent crimes. College binge drinking can directly affect their personal relationships, their academic success, and their health dramatically. Coincidentally college binge drinking affects the lives of those around them.

The reasons to avoid over consumption of alcohol are numerous. The health concerns alone should be enough to deter many from binge drinking. Heart problems, behavioral problems, severe liver disorders and damage are what some heavy drinkers can look forward to if their college binge drinking continues well after their studies. It is important that those students whose alcoholism is dominating their college career seek help and use the resources available to them. If not, it is very likely that such students will develop severe health and psychological problems that will at the very least cripple their academics and at worst land them in a hospital, jail or dead.

Beware: It’s the season for College Binge Drinking