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Home / Personalized Treatment / Overview

Sobriety.ca Foundation. We're here to help.

Drug Rehab & Alcohol Addiction Treatment at Sobriety.ca Foundation offers a private, secure, tranquil residential rehab with personalized, individual treatment.

Call 1-888-999-8101

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Sobriety.ca Foundation Drug Rehab, Alcohol Rehab, Addiction Treatment Center – Helping you

Is your alcohol or drug addiction controlling your life and destroying everyone and everything that is dear to you? Do you feel depressed, alone with your problems, or that no one wants to help you? Have drugs taken over your life? Are you drowning in alcohol?

At Sobriety.ca Foundation Drug Rehab, Alcohol Rehab, Addiction Treatment Center we’re here to help.

Deep down, you know that living with addiction is not living at all. But how do you get out of it? How do you stop abusing drugs? Stop abusing alcohol? Don’t face addiction alone. Here at Sobriety.ca Foundation Drug Rehab, Alcohol Rehab, Addiction Treatment Center, we want to help you.

You are not your drug or alcohol habit. You have simply lost your way. When you come to Sobriety.ca Foundation Drug Rehab, Alcohol Rehab, Addiction Treatment Center, you will be welcomed with open arms, unconditionally accepted, and treated with genuine TLC. No judgment, no finger-pointing.

Let our drug and alcohol rehab be your guide on the path to sober recovery.

Our drug and alcohol rehab will help you experience all the joys that life has to offer, without drugs, without alcohol.

When you are ready to face your drug or alcohol addiction, your first step is finding a rehab program that is the right fit. Let Sobriety.ca Foundation Drug Rehab, Alcohol Rehab, Addiction Treatment Center help you help yourself.

We are a private, residential alcohol rehab and drug rehab treatment center offering safe, confidential, and affordable help. We will help you heal. The care and insight we provide will feel like a soothing balm to your mind, body, and spirit.

Drug rehab and alcohol rehab treatment programs at Sobriety.ca Foundation Drug Rehab, Alcohol Rehab, Addiction Treatment Center include:

  • Evidence-based Psychotherapy
  • Medical and Psychiatric services
  • Pharmacotherapy – our Physicians and Psychotherapists are experienced in integrating anti-craving medications with Psychotherapy, where appropriate, to support sobriety.
  • Alternative therapies: Yoga, Meditation, Acupuncture, Massage, Tai-Chi and more
  • Family therapy services
  • Nutrition and diet programs – orthomolecular medicine
  • Fitness and Exercise programs
  • Recreational activities
  • Therapeutic Craft activities

Drug rehab and alcohol rehab programs with everything you need to get you to sobriety.

Yes! With our help, you can leave your drug addiction or alcohol addiction behind!

At Sobriety.ca Foundation Drug Rehab, Alcohol Rehab, Addiction Treatment Center, we have a wealth of experience we can use to help you heal. We have successfully treated a full spectrum of addictions:

  • Alcohol addiction
  • Drug addiction
  • Prescription medication addiction
  • Cocaine addiction
  • Heroin addiction

and many others

Drug Rehab, alcohol rehab and so much more…just ask us how we can help with your addiction.

Happiness – drug-free, alcohol-free – is within reach!

Call us now at 1-888-999-8101

Give yourself the gift of sobriety with a drug rehab or alcohol rehab program!

Drug Addiction and Alcohol Addiction Treatment – Helping a Loved One

Loving someone with a drug or alcohol addiction is not loving.

Is someone you love suffering from addiction to drugs or alcohol? Do you feel powerless to help? Let us help.

At Sobriety.ca Foundation Drug Rehab, Alcohol Rehab, Addiction Treatment Center, we can help you heal your loved one and break them free of alcohol or drug addiction. We can help you build a supportive network for yourself and your loved one, to foster a healing, sober lifestyle.

From support and advice about drug and alcohol addiction to designing a successful intervention strategy, call to make us a part of your alcohol and drug addiction treatment team. We can help you and your loved one face down drug and alcohol addiction.

Rehab for Alcohol and Drug Addiction – Helping Families

Addiction is a family issue that causes pain, anger, and conflict.

You’ve learned the hard way that you cannot control someone else’s addiction. But there is still hope! At Sobriety.ca Foundation Drug rehab, Alcohol Rehab, Addiction Treatment Center, we tailor our rehab program to families facing addiction to drugs or alcohol. Drug rehab and alcohol rehab can be a difficult road for everyone involved. We can help with family counseling sessions or other types of support. Our services make the road easier for both drug rehab and alcohol rehab recovery.

When you get the help you need, you will be better prepared to help your loved ones face their addiction demons. When you participate in the rehab process, you are no longer a helpless bystander – you are actively becoming involved in your loved one’s path to sobriety.

Drug Rehab & Alcohol Addiction Treatment | Individual Services

Addiction Treatment Services for Individuals

At Sobriety Home, we offer a number of services above our therapeutic addiction treatment programs for individuals needing help recovering from an alcohol or drug addiction.


Perhaps you would prefer to stay closer to home. Perhaps you aren’t ready to commit to a residential treatment program. For a variety of reasons, Sobriety Home may not be an option available to you at the moment.

If this is the case, someone from our staff is available to assist you, contacting agencies in your home area. We will work with you to find the most suitable and beneficial help available to you given your circumstances.

As well, if a client is involved in a criminal or civil law dispute, Sobriety Home can provide intervention and referral assistance.

Corporate Drug & Alcohol Addiction Treatment

Addiction Treatment Services for Companies

At Sobriety.ca Foundation, in addition to our individualized alcohol and drug addiction treatment programs, we also offer our services to employers. Addiction impacts the workplace, resulting in misconduct, absenteeism, and an overall deterioration of the quality of work.

If you would like to help your employee, we can assist you or your company. Our intervention services are available to you, guiding you in assisting your employee to enter into a treatment program.