Tranquilizer Addiction Foundation remains one of the best drug addiction treatment facilities in Canada. We offer individuals struggling with tranquilizer drug abuse various evidence-based addiction services and addiction treatment options. At Foundation, individuals living with drug addictions have access to individualized recovery programs with a comprehensive rehabilitation plan. It is our goal to provide our patients with individualized evidence-based addiction treatments to move towards living a life with managed drug use. Patients at Foundation can expect the following:
- Detoxification from tranquillizers
- Treatment for tranquillizer addiction in a residential setting
- Interventions for tranquillizer use
- Rehabilitation from tranquillizers
- SMART recovery
What are Tranquillizers?
Tranquilizing drugs are a group of substances used to manage the effects of anxiety and psychotic disorders. These drugs are split into two different categories: major and minor tranquilizers. Major tranquilizers are used to control mood disorders and psychotic symptoms of those suffering from schizophrenia and other psychois-related disorders. The second group, minor tranquilizers, are widely used. In fact, they are one of the most prescribed drugs out there. These drugs are typically used to treat anxiety disorders and have both a calming and sedative effect on the user. This group is also highly addictive and should not be used for an extended period.
What Does Tranquilizer Addiction Look Like?
Tranquilizer addiction can be severe. Being one of the most prescribed medications, it is not hard to come across them. Drugs such as benzodiazepines, non-benzo sedatives and barbiturates are all highly addictive and examples of tranquillizers. Someone experiencing addiction to these sedatives may appear drowsy with lapses of memory and confusion. As with most drugs, tolerance to sedatives builds and someone suffering from tranquilizer addiction will quickly seek out a higher dose once the initial dosage proves ineffective. In instances of withdrawal, the opposite effects of the drug will occur, causing extreme excitation. This can result in harmful consequences such as:
- Seizures
- Impaired thinking
- Impaired perception
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Insomnia
Pharmacology of Tranquilizers
The pharmacology of minor tranquilizers is characterized by increased binding of GABA, a neurotransmitter in the brain responsible for calming neuronal activity. When GABA is present, calming effects occur. When absent, anxiety will most likely be present due to the overexcitation of neurons. Alternatively, minor tranquilizers work by increasing the flow of GABA in the brain and creating a calming effect. Major tranquilizers work via a different mechanism of action. They block dopamine from binding to appropriate receptors and reduce psychotic symptoms. This is done by reducing dopaminergic neurotransmission, as an excess of dopamine has been linked to a prevalence of mood disorders and schizophrenia.