Foundation For Substance Abuse Treatment in Alberta
The province of Alberta is known for greatness. The success of the province over the past few decades has been felt all across Canada and the world, and many of us Canadians have considered moving to Alberta to find a piece of the prosperity pie. Alberta is also one of the most beautiful provinces, with rolling fields, mountainous regions that have made many photographers very happy and pristine lakes as fresh as the days they were formed. Like so many other parts of our great country, however, Alberta has a substance abuse problem. Many individuals struggle and suffer every day because they don’t know how to make a change for the better. Drug addiction is problematic for many reasons, but a big one is that there are dozens of substances available to addicts, making the issue a very difficult one to treat. Foundation has experience treating a wide variety of addictions, and our years of experience doing so put us in a unique position to help those from Alberta seeking to end their addiction and return home to prosper.
Substance abuse is a complex, private and often humiliating matter. Addicts hide their behaviour from friends, family and anyone close to them for as long as possible, but sadly nearly everyone eventually succumbs entirely to their addiction and it is exposed to those closest to them. Reactions from friends and family vary, but it’s always a very emotional time with more questions than answers. Foundation can help answer many of the questions individuals affected and their family members may have, as well as addressing the concerns they may have. We are located a short drive from Ottawa, away from prying eyes and judgement. We’ve helped many Canadians, and always welcome those from Alberta.
No matter what type of addiction someone may be dealing with, it’s important to know that no two addiction stories are the same. There are innumerable types of narcotics, street drugs and party drugs out there that corrupt the lives of Albertans, and the relationship between them and the individual is the key to succeeding in treatment. Foundation offers a comprehensive, science based approach to recovery while also offering alternative treatments to those interested as well as a few amenities to make the stay of our clients less stressful. Drug addiction is not an easy problem to reverse, but with a cognitive and behavioral approach the professional and highly trained staff at Foundation have had countless successes. Our commitment to offering holistic and spirituality based treatments to supplement our various programs is what makes us so good at helping those under our care. Treating the individual, not just the illness is what makes all the difference. Exercise, yoga, massage therapy, holistic practices and plenty of outings are only a few of the things we do differently, and the fact that we offer private rooms to all our clients truly sets us apart. The privacy of our clients before, during and after treatment is a top priority and not a responsibility we take lightly. If you, or someone dear to you is ready to change their lives for the better, end their addiction to drugs and get their health and independence back, Foundation will be ready to help.
Treatment Addiction Services In Alberta
Canmore Boardwalk Building
101- 743 Railway Ave.
Canmore, Alberta
T1W 1P2
Phone: (403) 678-3133
Fax: (403) 678-3138
Providing addiction treatment services through Alberta Health Services. Treatment options are available to adults as well as ongoing support and aftercare. The families of an individual struggling with a drug addiction also have support services available to them.
Recovery Acres Society 1835 House
1835 House
1835 27th Avenue SW
Calgary, Alberta
T2T 1H2
Phone: (403) 245-1196
Fax: (403) 244-4019
At 1835 House the starting point in recovery is abstinence from addictive substances. We provide practical tools and treatment that help men learn to live free from drugs and alcohol. Over the course of treatment 1835 House provides resources, practical tools, mentorship, counselling, and support. Counsellors who are also in recovery are available to clients on-site 24/7.
Salvation Army Centre of Hope
Centre of Hope
420 9th Ave SE
Calgary, Alberta
T2G 0R9
Phone: (403) 410-1129
Fax: (403) 410-1096
The Salvation Army offers a variety of services and programs throughout Alberta and the Northern Territories for members of the communities that we serve. These activities are motivated by a belief that each individual possesses an inherent worth and dignity. It is the goal of The Salvation Army to restore dignity and hope in the lives of those we serve through these programs as they experience times of need.
25108 Poundmaker Rd.
PO Box 34007
Kingsway Mall Post Office
Edmonton, Alberta
T5G 3G4
Phone: (780) 458-1884
Toll-Free: (866) 458-1884
Poundmaker’s Lodge is known as Canada’s first addictions treatment centre specifically for Indigenous clients. It has been in operation for more than 40 years. Poundmaker’s Lodge was named after Chief Poundmaker (Pitikwahanapiwiyin) of Saskatchewan, a prominent leader of the Treaty 6 territory, who was known for his wisdom and leadership.
Narcotics Anonymous Drug Addiction Treatment Meetings in Alberta
Narcotics Anonymous is the world’s second largest 12-step program. It is the sister program to Alcoholics Anonymous, and helps hundreds of thousands of individuals struggling with an addiction to drugs all across the globe. Members share their stories and experiences in a safe and private setting, usually at a location convenient to them and the community.
Narcotics Anonymous Edmonton Headquarters
Information & Help Finding The Right Meeting
Open 24 hours
Box 589 21-10405 Jasper Avenue
T5J 3S2
Edmonton Alberta
Phone: (780) 421-4429
A Gathering Place
Open Meeting
Thursday 7:30pm
5021 Ross Street
Red Deer, Alberta
T4N 1Y2
Rimbey New Life Fellowship
Open Meeting
Thursday 7:30pm
5038 49th Avenue
Rimbey, Alberta
T0C 2J0
Lutheran Church of The Master
Open Meeting
Tuesday 7:00pm
216 Main Street South East
Airdrie, Alberta
T4B 3K3