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Cocaine Addiction

When addicted to cocaine, it is easy to feel alone, isolated, misunderstood by those closest to you. Addiction can feel like a dark, lonely place. But, the truth of the matter is that you are not alone, that your loved ones are still there.

We can help you get back to them.

Sobriety Home’s Cocaine Addiction Treatment Program is structured to suit your individual case, ensuring lasting sobriety. Our team of specialists is dedicated to your recovery, available to you 24 hours a day, seven days a week while you stay with us in our residential treatment center.

And when it’s time for you to leave, we will design an exit plan that includes aftercare so that you stay strong, supported, and sober.

Cocaine Addiction Treatment Program

Sobriety Home’s Cocaine Addiction Treatment Program starts from a holistic approach to addiction recovery, healing both mind, body, and spirit. Our Cocaine Addiction Treatment Program treats more than the physical addiction, healing the underlying issues at play.

Working Together for your Sobriety

We work together to design an addiction treatment program that works for you, creating a new life of happiness, success, and sobriety. Through our different therapies, you learn to take personal responsibility for your decisions, good and bad, and to recognize your triggers—recognizing situations where you are most likely to use again. You will also be taught useful skills to cope with these circumstances, avoid using, and using healthy coping mechanisms to life’s stresses.

A Holistic Approach to Cocaine Addiction Treatment

Cocaine addiction treatment program offers alternative addiction treatmentsWe believe in an all-encompassing approach to cocaine addiction treatment. We have many addiction treatment therapy options to choose from, both traditional and non. We want you to find what feels best for you so that you can take your addiction treatment program with you into the future.

As part of the Cocaine Addiction Treatment Program, you will be required to participate in individual cognitive therapy sessions. Here, partnered with one of our addiction specialists, you will modify your thought processes, identifying what is no longer serving you and actively changing. You will be left with reliable coping skills, more self-confidence, and trust in yourself.

Sobriety Home also has several non-traditional therapies available to you—from native healing circles, to laughter therapy, and creative art therapies. Through these classes, you will learn about yourself in new situations, how to interact with others sober, and how to have fun without cocaine.

As part of our holistic approach, we also recognize that abstinence is not the only model, and that other alternative treatments are effective for some. Our Cocaine Vaccine Treatment Program might be right for you.

Cocaine Quick Facts


Schedule II drug (USA/Canada)


Coke, Blow, Nose Candy.


Euphoria, increased energy, mental alertness.


Highly addictive, heart disease, strokes.

Some Cocaine Science

Cocaine is a central-nervous-system stimulant that offers users a sense of euphoria and energy. It does, however, come with a terrible price of addictiveness and possibly future health risks that can affect the brain and one's emotional state. The drug is primarily taken from the leaves of the coca plant which can be found in several South American countries. The drug can be chewed, snorted, injected into the blood stream and smoked via a pipe.

Cocaine is broken down by the blood and liver into a number of substances including: benzoylecgonine, ecgonine and methyl ester. A large portion of the drug is passed through the user's system without changing much, and is expelled upon urination.

The affect of cocaine on the brain can be a damaging one as the drug affects certain brain chemicals known as serotonin and dopamine. Specifically it messes with the brain's ability to renew it's supply of the above mentioned chemicals. Some scientists have determined that cocaine releases dopamine in a manner similar to the ingestion of water, food and the act of sexual intercourse. Cocaine can have the effect of “tricking” the brain into remembering the feeling it had when affected by the cocaine, in a way that the brain deems the injection of the drug a good thing worth exploring. Of course overtime the brain requires more and more of the drug in order to satisfy the chemical's presence and the reaction that follows.

Celebrities & Cocaine

It seems that it's common ground for many celebrities these days to have some sort of addiction problem. Cocaine is indeed right up there on the podium for most wide spread use by celebrities including:

John Belushi: Known for a party game where one person pours a line of cocaine, one friend starts from the left, the other the right and they see who can snort the most as they both make their way to the middle of the line.

Whitney Houston: A famous and brilliant singer who met an early death in a hotel bathtub due to cocaine and related heart disease.

Ike Turner: The rock 'n roll legend struggled with cocaine addiction for many years and was even sentenced to prison for drug related offences. He died from a cocaine overdoes in 2008.

Robert Downey Jr.: Arrested a number of times for drug possession, Downey Jr.'s cocaine problems have not exactly been kept secret in Hollywood. Since 2002 however, the famous actor has had an amazing come back to the big screen and seems to have kicked the habit.