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Alcohol Abuse and The Common Treatment Methods

Two crazy bottles side by side represent the need for dual diagnosis alcohol addiction treatment Determining whether you may be abusing alcohol, or if someone you know is struggling with their alcohol consumption is a tricky endeavour. The task is made more difficult by the key difference between alcohol abuse and alcohol dependency, which lies in the fact that alcohol abusers are not necessarily addicted or dependent upon alcohol. While the difference does matter, it is still important that someone who is abusing alcohol seek the appropriate treatment in a timely manner, as full-blown dependency is often just around the corner.

Common Signs of Alcohol Abuse

Have you or someone you know begun to abandon their personal responsibilities? Perhaps they’ve become negligent at work, or maybe they’ve begun to distance themselves from friends and family and don’t want much to do with their spouse or children. It’s possible that your teenaged or adult child is starting to fail or drop classes, or isn’t showing much interest in their studies or the future. There could be a DUI thrown into the mix somewhere, or a noticeable increase in risky behavior while under the influence of alcohol. Unfortunately these are all signs that someone may have an abusive relationship with alcohol, and these are by no means all of the signs. If you have noticed these behaviours in a loved one or yourself, for more than year, and all of it seems tied into someone’s, or your own, drinking, it is time to seek treatment.

What to Do About Alcohol Abuse

Alcohol abuse and alcoholism, while different, share the similarity of affecting people from all different cultures, ages, genders and socio-economic backgrounds. Taking this into consideration, treating alcohol abuse is complicated and there is no universal or “one size fits all” approach. It is incredibly important that someone willing to seek treatment have the support they need from friends and family, as well as the right team of professionals in their corner to guide them through the treatment plan that suits them best.

What Are the Options For Treating Alcohol Abuse?

Fortunately, there are a few different types of effective treatment for alcohol abuse. It’s good to have options, since everyone is different and has a different relationship with alcohol. The following is not in order of efficiency, success or practicality:

Residential Alcohol Abuse Addiction Treatment is, in many cases, the best option for someone who has an unhealthy desire to drink. The individual can remove themselves from the stresses and triggers of daily life, and work towards becoming healthy and severing their ties with alcohol. If this option suits the candidate best, they will leave home for a short period and stay at the home or residence 24/7 and work with addiction specialists, counsellors and medical professionals in a safe environment to end their abusive affair with alcohol and work towards sobriety.

Outpatient alcohol abuse treatment differs in that the client does not stay at a residence throughout the course of their treatment. They participate in group therapy sessions, work with professionals, and the end goals remain the same, but they can return home or a sober living arrangement in the evenings. This option is ideal for single parents, or anyone with responsibilities that simply cannot be avoided.

Holistic treatment options are a great option for many people who have a strong connection to the natural world or are spiritual in some way. These approaches are part of a growing field and incorporate alternative methods that work for many individuals. While therapy and group sessions are still a big part of this form of treatment, you may notice instead of chairs in a circle there could be a yoga mat on the floor and a masseuse present! Meditation, nutrition and exercise are big components to this type of treatment, as is a heavy focus on treating the individual, their spirit and of course the addiction itself.

Dual Diagnosis alcohol abuse treatment is very specific. In short, this option isn’t for everyone, rather it helps those clients suffering from a concurrent disorder like depression as well as struggling with alcohol abuse. This form of treatment isn’t offered everywhere, and is highly specialized as many clients who need it are at an elevated risk of harming themselves intentionally and committing suicide. Unique sets of challenges are identified, mapped out and treated in a personalized way, as alcohol abuse can often make a concurrent disorder worse and vice versa. A psychiatric professional needs to be involved in this type of treatment, as their expertise and medical training are cornerstones to the methods involved for helping clients reach their goals, improve their quality of life and attain sobriety.